ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA for FREE seasonal influenza vaccination in 2022:
If you are not eligible for a funded vaccine, you can still get your vaccine through our pharmacy for a fee.
Immunity from the flu vaccination is expected to last for three to four months, so April to June are the best months to be vaccinated to allow the vaccine to work at its peak during the flu season.
As the immunity wears off and the strains of the virus mutate each year, it is important that you have the flu vaccine each year.
In 2022, we will be using the vaccine Afluria Quad.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA for FREE Covid-19 vaccination in 2022/23:
Booster and Third inital doses are available if you are immocomprimised or have a disablibilty.
Timings between doses varies
In 2022/23, we will be using the vaccine Pfizer Vaccine